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Initial Advice

If you have a project in mind, we can discuss over the phone or arrange to meet you for a no obligation consultation at the prospective site to identify the scope of your project and discuss your ideas. It is essential to visit the site in order for us to highlight any planning or design constraints as well as potential opportunities. We can then advise the best course of action for your project. Following the initial meeting we can then provide a clearly laid out fee proposal, outlining each stage, timescale and costs involved.



Concept / Feasibility

Depending on your project type we will undertake a survey of the existing building and/or organise a topographical survey of your site. Having developed the project brief, we will start to look at some concept proposals for discussion with yourselves as client and also early consultation with the local authority planning department.



Pre-Application, Outline & Planning Applications

The nature of the site, your requirements or our recommendations will generally determine suitable routes through to gaining a planning consent. In additional to detailed planning drawings depending upon your project type and scale there may be a requirement for a number of additional reports to accompany the applications, for example - land contamination reports, ecology & biodiversity reports, arboricultural reports or heritage assessments. We can act as lead agent overseeing the project and commissioning any reports required for your project. We then monitor your application throughout the planning process and keep you informed of the progress of the application and any variations that may be required for a successful determination.​


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